Where Beauty Meets Modern Luxury

Raising the bar on

The PNW Blonde is your go-to for a touch of luxury in your otherwise laid-back life. I get it; balancing appointments, while maintaining that radiant glow and keeping up with beauty routines, is no easy feat. That's where I come in. I’m on a mission to not just give you the look you’ve been craving, but to empower you to maintain it at-home once you’ve stepped out of our doors.

 lived-in locks

Get ready for a new chapter of effortlessly gorgeous hair!

The PNW Blonde is redefining hair care as an effortless and enjoyable journey. Think of my chair as your personal oasis, where the journey to fabulous hair begins.

However, the magic shouldn’t stop when you leave! I believe that your at-home hair care routine should be just as enjoyable with my unique hair care subscription services – because beautiful hair should be easy to attain, whether you're in my chair or your own.

Weaving artistry into every strand. Let's embark on a journey of luxury, vibrancy, and effortless beauty.

In-Salon Services

Luxury Blonde Hair

Get ready to glow!
From subtle sunshine vibes to full-blown radiance, let's take your blonding game to a whole new level of glam.

Low Maintenance Hair

Who needs constant touch-ups?
My low-maintenance styles keep you looking fresh for months, so you can slay effortlessly without the salon hustle.

Hand Tied Extensions

Hair transformation, done right!
Hand tied extensions are your secret weapon for a natural, head-turning look that's as comfortable as it is stunning.

Say goodbye to those "oops, I'm running low on my go-to products" moments and say hello to the PNW Blonde Subscription box.

Picture this: Your favorite hair essentials delivered routinely, right to your doorstep. No more last-minute dashes to the salon or frantic online orders – just uninterrupted hair love.

Even better: Each subscription box goes beyond the “everyday essentials” you choose—anticipate a few cool surprises in each package.

Hair Subscription boxes

Dive into the convenience of my professional product subscription boxes!

Custom Experience:

What Sets Me Apart

The PNW Blonde isn't just a stylist brand; it's a curated experience. Enjoy a unique blend of a luxuriously vibrant environment and all-natural haircare products, with Davines being my top-tier choice.

Content Beyond Hair:

Explore the intersection of health, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle on my Instagram (@thepnwblonde). It's not just about hair; it's about crafting a lifestyle that enhances your unique beauty.

Client-Centric Approach:

I build more than hairstyles; I build lasting relationships so I can nurture your hair journey for years to come. Your experience is personalized, and your satisfaction is my priority.

My Promise to You:

My Mission is to redefine beauty as an effortless journey. It’s about more than just a positive salon experience; I offer a sanctuary where creativity thrives, relationships blossom, and every client walks away feeling not just beautiful but confidently themselves. I prioritize the well-being of your hair, emphasize low-maintenance beauty, and strive to make your hair the healthiest (and most gorgeous) it's ever been.

Ever since I entered cosmetology school in 2018, doing hair has been more than a job—it's my passion. Rooted in the LC Valley at Kosmo Salon, I specialize in hand tied extensions, low-maintenance blondes, and luxury brunettes. My aesthetic is all about creamy, bright, natural vibes that bring out your unique beauty in an easily maintainable way.

The Blonde Behind the Brand

Beautiful hair begins with healthy hair.

That's my mantra. I'm not just into creating gorgeous locks; I'm all about keeping your mane in top-notch condition. That's why I use Davines, the Italian wizards of all-natural hair care. Their products are not just a choice; they're a commitment to the well-being of your hair.

Get ready for a uniquely crafted, lively, and effortlessly beautiful you. Ready for a hair transformation? Let's kick off your journey to luxurious locks right here!